Do You Need Sedation Dentistry in Midland, GA?

by | Feb 28, 2022 | Dental-care

Have you ever avoided going to the dentist because it makes you anxious? Do you shudder at the thought of receiving a cleaning? Sedation dentistry in Midland, GA is now an option. Dentists will use sedation techniques to reduce your anxiety and stress while you are at the dentist.

Sit Back and Relax

Many people fear going to the dentist and ignore their oral health. Sedation Dentistry In Midland, GA helps alleviate that fear by reducing it through medication. Sedation dentistry techniques can be used for a wide range of procedures. For example, you may need a routine cleaning or an extraction. The dentist will offer different forms of sedation dentistry for these two procedures.

Oral Conscious Sedation Versus Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Oral conscious and nitrous oxide sedation are two types of sedation techniques dentists use. Oral conscious sedation is a “heavier” sedation technique than nitrous oxide sedation. For example, with nitrous oxide sedation you will not get groggy or sleep during treatment. You will feel relaxed. You may have a sense of euphoria and remain free of discomfort.

On the other hand, oral conscious sedation will make you feel like sleeping. You will feel groggy and possibly fall asleep during the procedure. You will not be unconscious as you can follow directions or respond to commands. Many patients forget what happened during their procedure. Nitrous oxide is used for less invasive dental procedures such as cleanings, whereas oral conscious sedation is used for more invasive procedures such as dental implants or tooth extractions.

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