Of course, dental emergencies are not something you can plan for and they usually come at the most inopportune times, such as evenings, weekends and holidays. When faced with a dental emergency, it’s important to have an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN that you can call for assistance. One of the most common dental emergencies that requires immediate care is a knocked out tooth. Immediate dental care increases the chances that the tooth may be able to be put back into the mouth with positive results. A lost filling or crown, or a loose tooth may be incredibly painful, especially if a root is exposed. These emergencies should be seen as quickly as possible, but it is acceptable to wait until morning, if the Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN is closed for the evening.
A knocked out tooth is something that usually stems from a fall, sports injury or accident. It’s important to locate the missing tooth, if possible, and do not wash it off. Notify the dentist right away, and most will recommend you come in for treatment immediately. If you’re not dealing with a young child, try to place the tooth back into the empty socket while en route to the dentist. If it’s not possible, at least keep the tooth in either saliva from your mouth or in a cup of milk, until arriving at the dental office. If you’re dealing with a young child, the parent may hold the tooth in their mouth, to keep the tooth moist.
A lost filling or crown or a loosened tooth can cause much pain. Heat, cold, pressure or air can send the pain level through the roof with unbearable throbbing. If the Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN can’t see you until morning, try an over the counter pain reliever or a cold compress to ease the pain. Leave the area alone as much as possible to avoid irritation and additional discomfort. If the tooth is loose, the dentist may be able to be splint and reset it. Avoid touching the tooth to cause further damage.
Always have an Emergency Dentist in Mankato MN you can call if the need arises. Quick action and response can be the difference between saving a tooth or losing a tooth. Always err on the side of caution and see the dentist as soon as possible.