Different Techniques for Digital Marketing in Nashville, TN

by | Sep 7, 2015 | Automotive

As you are well aware, digital marketing is absolutely essential for a successful business in the twenty-first century. In the past, advertising was a straightforward endeavor of getting your message in front of customers. You could do this with billboards, radio and TV commercials, flyers, bulletins and such. These are still useful tools. You have to consider locations and messages that will do the most work for getting you in front of customers. However, this is not quite as simple. Selling your business on the internet involves specialized techniques. These tactics typically fall into two camps: black hat and white hat.

Black Hat SEO

Search engines crawl the internet to categorize websites and webpages so that you can find them as search results. To that end, businesses can insert certain phrases or words that help search engines find them and place them in the appropriate category. This is called search engine optimization. Black Hat search engine optimization is considered disreputable, though.

In a nutshell, Black Hat SEO involves a digital marketing that is meant for a search engine and not an actual user. This means that certain phrases might be repeated over and over to increase a website’s search results; however, these are not actually readable by humans. One way to do this would be for websites to include text that is the same color as the background. That way, they can hide the nonsense text from users, but it will still be readable by search engines.

Also, another technique is to hide the link itself so that certain webpages are visible to search engines but are not visible to users.

None of these techniques is illegal or anything of that manner, but they are dishonest. Because they are dishonest, websites that are found to be engaging in them are often banned from certain search engines’ results. These bans are typically temporary, but if the business continues engaging in the same behavior, they can become permanent. Because they are so frowned upon by search engines, they do not make for good tools. White Hat SEO is the better option.

White Hat SEO

In the largest sense, White Hat SEO techniques are those that conform to the guidelines of the search engine. These are the non-deceptive techniques, which mean that the user sees the same thing the search engine sees. Because these guidelines cross international borders, a company specializing in Digital Marketing Portland has to comply with many of the same guidelines as one operating in Bucharest, Romania.

To reach the most customers, white hat techniques are the only ones you should rely on. They are going to offer you the most long-lasting results and build the best customer base. Also, you can avoid being banned by search engines.

Search engines crawl the internet to categorize websites and webpages so that you can find them as search results.

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