Differences Between Luxury And Regular Manhattan Apartments

by | Jul 16, 2015 | Real Estate

If you are like many people, you have seen advertisements for luxury apartments in Manhattan and other areas, but you may not have any idea what that means. For most, it means a higher price, but they don’t stop to consider why the price is higher. Yes, you will pay more for luxurious apartment and condo buildings, but you will likely get many services and amenities. Regular versions will likely have decent appliances and washer/dryer hookup, and you’ll still be able to visit all the sights around the place, but that may be all. Luxurious options will offer more.


While every apartment building should have security measures in place, such as locking front doors, luxurious accommodations will likely include security guards, doormen, or bellmen and sometimes all three. Other options include gates that are locked at all times, locked elevator doors and so on.

Premium Everything

Everything in the apartment will likely be of high quality. This may include granite or marble, but will include premium countertops in the kitchen and bathrooms, the best appliances, premium flooring and high-grade furniture, if it is a furnished place.


Concierge service is typically an extremely sought-after item in a luxury apartment because it can allow you to do so much more. They can arrange for delivery of groceries and take out, deliver your dry-cleaning to and from your place, get you tickets and reservations at some of the best restaurants and shows in the city and so much more.

Exercise Rooms

If you dislike travel and activity, it can be difficult to get to the gym, but if you have an exercise room right in your condo, you’ll be more apt to work out and get healthier. Not all condos will offer this service or amenity, but many do. You may also find swimming pools, saunas, and yoga studios.


While there are going to be many places to dine near your home, many apartment buildings are including restaurants within the building so you can have an excellent meal without ever leaving the building. Not all buildings will offer this, so if it is something you want, you’ll need to pay close attention to what they offer.

Room Service

While it is still an up-and-coming amenity, some buildings are also offering room service, where you can have food prepared and brought to you, purchase and have items delivered and much more.

Luxury Manhattan apartments offer more services and amenities than traditional ones.Visit Manhattan House to learn which amenities they offer or to contact them.

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