Designing Your Two-Bedroom Student Apartment to Look Like Home

by | Dec 28, 2023 | Student Housing Center

You’ve moved into your apartment, but you’ve discovered that it’s a bit smaller than you had planned or maybe a little larger than you thought. There are a few creative ideas to consider to transform your two-bedroom apartment into a home that you enjoy.

Comfortable Spaces

One way to enhance the layout of 2 bedroom apartments in Colorado Springs is to create a cozy area for relaxing, watching television, or spending time with friends. You could devote the living room to this atmosphere or even create a multi-purpose room in one of the bedrooms that you’re not using. A soft couch, chair, and television with a game system could create an environment where you want to enjoy time with friends and family when you’re not in school.


There are several ways that you can use dividers in two bedroom apartments in Colorado Springs. If you have a roommate, you can use a divider in your bedroom to create a separate study area with a desk and chair. Consider putting a divider in the living room so that you have an area to relax after classes and a space where you can watch television or entertain. Bookcases are good to use as a dividing system or even a ladder with plants and other decorations.


Don’t be afraid to decorate with more items from home in your two-bedroom apartment. You’ll have plenty of space for everything from pictures and posters on the walls to the little items that you likely thought you wouldn’t be able to have around for a while.

Learn more by contacting The Lodges of Colorado Springs at

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