Dealing With Back Pain? Consider the Possibility of RF Ablasion in Norman

by | Jul 22, 2015 | Healthcare

Experiencing ongoing pain in the neck, shoulders, and back can interfere with many types of daily tasks. The pain can also make it difficult to get restful sleep at night. One approach to consider is talking with a medical professional about the possibility of undergoing radio frequency ablasion. Here are some facts about Rf Ablasion Norman that should be considered closely.

How Does the Treatment Work?

Rf Ablasion Norman involves the use of radio waves that are tuned to a specific frequency. The function of the waves can help to release tension in the muscles found in the shoulders, back, and neck. Those waves are directed at specific points in and surrounding the site of the pain. The heat that is produced by the contact with the waves has a soothing effect on the muscles. At the same time, the treatment will help to promote healthier blood flow. That makes it easier for the blood to carry the nutrients needed to expedite the healing process.

Are Multiple Treatments Necessary?

The number of necessary treatments involving Rf Ablasion Norman will vary from one patient to the next. Factors such as the severity of the pain, any damage to the back or muscles, and how well the patient responds to the first treatment will determine how many other treatments are needed to provide the desired relief. Some people find that one or two sessions are enough to make a difference. Others may undergo a series of treatments over a period of several weeks.

Why This Method and Not Something Else?

Many medical professionals recommend ablasion because other non-invasive methods have not produced the desired results. Before moving on to any type of surgical procedure, giving this method a try is worth the time and effort. Assuming the ablasion does work, there will be no need to undergo the trauma that comes with surgery or deal with the longer recuperative period that follows.

For more information on ablasion, talk with the team at Longevity Joint Spine Pain today. After learning more about the process and what it can accomplish, a simple examination will be all that is needed to determine if this approach will benefit the patient. You can also browse their website for further details.

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