Irises come in a wide variety of colors and color combinations, allowing you to create the perfect look for your garden. They are also one of the easiest flowers to grow. While there are factors that will dictate the number and size of the blooms, there is relatively little care that must be done by the gardener. With the variety of iris bulbs available, you will need to do some careful planning to determine which ones are right for you.
Irises generally require plenty of space in which to grow. In general, these plants will grow upward a couple of feet and blossom at the top of each of the stalks. As with some other types of bulbs, though, the bulbs themselves will grow and expand, requiring you to split the bulbs every few years to avoid overcrowding in your iris garden. As long as you continue to split them and have the proper amount of space for them to grow, you will be able to enjoy these beautiful flowers year after year.
Iris bulbs offer you one of the widest selections of colors available. When you are carefully planning your garden, you need to think about the colors of the other flowers that are already in your garden, as well as what colors you would like for your garden. Not only do irises come in a rainbow of solid colors, they also offer multiple colors, including two-tone and three-tone options. This will allow you to put together a beautiful garden in which every flower complements the rest.
Number of Bulbs
In addition to choosing the colors of the bulbs, you will need to choose how many of each color you would like to purchase. You likely want to make sure you fill your garden sufficiently to create the look you desire. However, since the bulbs will expand and grow even larger plants each year, you don’t necessarily have to buy a large number of bulbs to create the overall look you desire; it may take a couple years longer, but it will happen.
Iris bulbs are among the easiest to take care of. Besides having to split them every few years, you can plant them and forget about them. When you are buying the bulbs, though, you will have plenty of decisions to make. First, you need to consider how much space you have in which to plant them. Once you know how much space you have, you can worry about choosing the colors and the number of bulbs you would like to purchase.
To learn more about choosing the right iris bulbs for your garden, visit Website.