People who seek chiropractic adjustment are generally suffering from neck pains, back pains, and even headaches. During chiropractic treatment, trained specialists manipulate the spine using their hands in a controlled and targeted way, and the aim of chiropractic care is to relieve pains, but also to improve spinal motion and general physical function.
Taking advantage of chiropractic services can help you recover after an injury, improve your mobility, and even avoid invasive surgeries.
Chiropractors Perform Targeted Treatments
Chiropractors are trained to be able to recognize certain issues in the spine and assess certain symptoms to identify the most appropriate route of repair. Chiropractic care in Fort Collins CO targets the areas that are causing you pain, and since chiropractors use their hands, they are able to be extremely precise.
Generally, during your initial visit, your chiropractor will learn about your health history and lifestyle, as well as the cause of your problems if it is known. They might conduct physical exams or x-rays to learn more about your spine and your personal situation.
What to Expect
During chiropractic care, your chiropractor will use his or her hands to make the necessary adjustments to your spine. In most cases, this will be a controlled, but sudden force to your joints, and popping or cracking sounds are normal. Your chiropractor might also have you change positions here and there so that he can treat different areas.
Many patients return for several visits to see better results, and your chiropractor will typically make a recommendation. The experts at will do their best to get you to the best physical condition possible. If you are in need of chiropractic services, don’t hesitate to schedule your first visit, where you will learn more about where the pain is coming from.