Cash for Coins — Getting the Most for Your Loose Change

by | Nov 8, 2016 | Shopping and Fashion

Did you know that you can possibly make money from selling coins that might be hiding in your couch or sitting at the bottom of your purse? Not all coins are worth selling, though, and not all of them have a great value. However, there are some coins that do have enough of a value that it is worth selling. There are a few Chicago coin buyers that will buy coins for a fair price. Here are some coins that are worth selling. People try to alter coins to look like more valuable ones, so always have a professional look at the coin before trying to sell it.

Lincoln Wheat Penny

Have you ever heard of the Lincoln wheat penny? It is what the pennies used to look like in the beginning of the twentieth century. While many pennies aren’t worth much, a Lincoln wheat penny that was made in 1909 with the S and VDB markings can go for $560 or more if it was circulated. If this penny wasn’t circulated, it could go for around $1200 or more.

Mercury Dimes

Mercury dimes, or winged liberty head dimes, can have a great value for certain mints and years. These dimes were made between 1915 and 1945. If you have a 1916 Mercury dime that was minted in Denver and has been circulated, you can get up $1000. If that same dime was uncirculated, you can receive up to $11,000.

Barber Quarters

Barber quarters were minted between 1892 and 1916. It might be harder to find some of these quarters because they haven’t been made in a hundred years.   If you find a Barber quarter that is from 1901 and minted in San Francisco, you can sell it for up to $4500. If that same quarter has been uncirculated, you can sell it for up to $27,000.

For one of the most honest Chicago coin buyers, visit Chicago Gold Gallery to sell your coins. You can find contact information and their location at

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