When you’ve been injured, you may be able to receive compensation for your injuries. If another person or company was the cause of your accident, they’re responsible for making sure any expenses relating to your injury are paid for. Sometimes, however, it’s hard to get a settlement on your own. You’re probably going up against an insurance company and their lawyers, so you’re going to want to have Louisville’s Best Injury Lawyer on your side.
Before you call Louisville’s Best Injury Lawyer, you should know the cases that they typically handle. Below are some of the different injury cases that a lawyer such as T.J. Smith, LLC Attorney at Law may work on.
Auto Accident
Trucking Accident
Slip and Fall Accident
Medical Malpractice
Defective Products
Dog bites
These are all negligence cases. They are cases where a person or business’s lack of action caused your injury. For example, if you were involved in a slip and fall, the accident would be the business’s fault because they hadn’t properly ensured that the floor in their business was free from any liquids or objects that could cause a fall.
Other cases that may fall under personal injury include the following.
Any other case where an injury was caused by a person’s action
These cases are not cases of negligence. They are cases where a person directly causes you harm through their actions, and knew that their actions would cause you to be injured. While these examples are criminal charges, you can also sue the person who caused your injuries in order to get compensation for your medical bills, time missed from work, and pain and suffering.
If your case falls into one of these categories, then you are able to sue the person or business at fault for personal injury. In this case, you’re going to want to hire a lawyer to help you file and to represent you through the settlement or court hearings. Be sure to call a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident so that you can get the proceedings underway. In some cases, you may only have a certain amount of time to file to start the case.