Call an Effective Rodent Control in Edison, NJ When You See Signs of Rodents

by | Aug 18, 2023 | Pest Control

You may live in a rural area, with open fields nearby that harbor a variety of creatures. Your home may be older and may have developed gaps in construction materials that allow creatures to find their way inside. If you have demolition or rehab construction going on in your neighborhood, creatures may be displaced and seek out your property to make their home. These problems may cause you to need effective rodent control for your New Jersey home.

Rodents Can Do Significant Damage to Materials

Wood, cardboard, books, clothing, plastic in wiring and insulation, anything in your home can make a good item for rodents to chew on or use. They also leave behind hair and droppings that can contaminate food items and bad odors. Rodents can also carry diseases to humans.

Signs of Rodent Infestation in Your Home

You may hear scratching noises in the wall or in ceilings. There may be gnaw marks on construction materials, boxes or other items stored in basements or other parts of your home. Food packages may have gnaw marks on them. You may find dark, cylindrical-shaped droppings in closets or pantries. The house may develop an odor of urine, feces or decomposing rodents. Your pets may take an interest in certain areas of the wall or floor. You may even find a rodent’s nest. These are signs rodent control in Edison, NJ is needed.

Don’t let rodent problems cause damage in your home. At the first sign of their presence, arrange for rodent control in Edison, NJ service homeowners can rely on. Contact Horizon Pest Control, today if you need effective rodent control for your New Jersey home.

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