Unless you have considerable knowledge of all the server equipment in your company, you may not have an idea about rack mounted drawers and additional equipment. Take a look around your server room, and you are likely to find tall free-standing structures with a single monitor connected to each (usually). These are known as server cabinets. Each server cabinet can house numerous computer terminals, all of which are connected to computer peripherals using a KVM switch. If you connect a KVM switch with 2-3 computers, you will be able to use each terminal with just one keyboard, monitor and output. Given the fact that each server rack has numerous computer terminals, this makes the job of network engineers very easy.
However, one of the most important pieces of equipment that you will need is a rackmount LCD keyboard drawer. The term “rack-mount” denotes that the drawer can be mounted on special racks, which are usually found in server cabinets. This drawer is used to house the keyboard and monitor through which you will access the server equipment. As mentioned above, numerous computer terminals are connected to each other. Using a rackmount LCD keyboard drawer allows you house the different peripherals needed to control the terminals.
One of the biggest reasons why so many companies purchase these drawers is because of the convenience that they provided. When the network engineer is done using the equipment, all they have to do is put the lid down and slide the drawer back in. usually, rack mounted LCD and keyboard drawers have a lid similar to that of laptops. You can simply pull up the lid in order to view the screen and access the keyboard and mouse. When not in use, you can put the lid down. It is efficient and makes the whole process very easy. Companies don’t connect each computer with a separate keyboard, mouse or a display. They just use KVM switches to create a connection.
Rugged and Sturdy
Because of the way that they are used, rack mounted LCD and keyboard drawers are usually quite rugged. Network engineers usually have to tinker with computer terminals in the server room throughout the day. This means that the drawers are continuously pulled out and pushed back in throughout the course of the day.
That is the reason why they are usually made of sturdy materials, such as aluminum, wood or sturdy plastic. When buying a rack mounted LCD and keyboard drawer, it is important to note the screen size. They are usually available in 17, 19 and 20-inch screen sizes, but you can also get larger drawers that can house 24-inch screens.