Just about everyone likes the idea of getting a massage. You get a chance to unwind, loosen up stiff muscles, and enjoy the atmosphere for an hour or so. When you leave, you feel pampered and refreshed, but what else can massage therapy do for you? Turns out there’s a lot. Here are some benefits awaiting you from massage therapy in Atlanta, GA.
Reduced Stress
This one may not seem like a shocker, but you’re getting more than just relaxation. Sleeping after a restful massage when your muscles are loose promotes better sleep. In turn, you’re less likely to experience fatigue when you’re well rested. The rush of endorphins from massage can even help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Improved Flexibility
Loosening the muscles during massage can help you gain greater flexibility and movement. This can be useful for those recovering from a sports injury or surgery, as they’re likely to experience lessened swelling and better mobility.
Lymphatic System Stimulation
Massage can encourage your body to purge toxins through the lymphatic system, which in turn can boost a sluggish immune system. Massaging tissue helps get blood flowing and improves circulation. In addition to targeted massage, improved circulation can contribute to pain relief.
These are only a few benefits you are likely to experience during and after massage therapy. Since there are so many types of massage, there are plenty of targeted areas you can seek help with. If you’re interested in massage therapy in Atlanta, GA, check out the array of services offered by Oasis Spa.