Benefits of Legal Representation For Disability and Social Security in Fort Worth, TX

by | Aug 28, 2013 | Lawyers

If you have gone over everything that is involved in filing for Social Security benefits or Disability, you have probably been overwhelmed by the rules, regulations and requirements that go along with it. This is why getting the assistance of an experienced disability and social security in Fort Worth TX attorney can make such a difference when you begin the process. This area of law is constantly being amended, so it takes a dedicated professional to keep up with it and that is the kind of attorney you will need.

You should start off with the realization that a large number of claims are initially declined, but that doesn’t mean the process should end there. The appeals process has many steps and there are a lot of requirements, but your Disability and Social Security in Fort Worth, TX attorney will have been down this road many times and will know how to proceed in order to give you the best chance of getting approved.

The appeals process begins with the Reconsideration Phase, where your claim is reviewed by a Social Security agent who was not involved in the original filing. If that isn’t successful, your claim will go before an Administrative Law Judge. Your attorney will be of great value here since they will know exactly what the Judge will be looking for and how to present it. If this is unsuccessful, you can go before an appeals council. Once again this is a time when legal counsel can serve you well. Should you still not be successful, the final step is to look for legal recourse in Federal Court. Each of these steps in the appeal process requires an intimate knowledge of the law and should only be handled by an experienced disability and social security in Fort Worth TX attorney.

You may be hesitant to seek out legal representation in these matters for fear of the cost, but most attorneys will offer you a free initial consultation where they can review your situation and determine how best to proceed in your representation. Another financial plus is the fact that many of these skilled legal professionals will take your case on a contingency basis, meaning that unless and until you receive your benefits, you do not pay them anything. So let a qualified and experienced attorney be your voice in these matters and guide you through the legal maze.

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