Benefits of Hiring Auto Accident Lawyers in Hollywood FL

by | Sep 18, 2017 | Lawyers

It is essential that individuals who are victims of auto accidents obtain legal advice to ensure that their rights are protected. Depending on the kind of insurance policy and the circumstances of the accident, victims are entitled to some form of financial compensation. One of the forms of compensation they are entitled to is the accident benefits claim also referred to as no fault claims.

The second kind of compensation is called at fault or third party claims where the drivers of the auto vehicles receive compensation from their insurance companies. Passengers, pedestrians, drivers and every other individual involved in an auto accident can make accident benefit claims. The following are some of the benefits that auto accident victims can claim.

Income Replacement Benefit

This applies to victims who were income earners before the accident and were either hospitalized or placed in a rehabilitation center. This benefit is meant to compensate victims for the loss of potential earnings and earning ability. Depending on the severity of the injury, this payment can continue till the victim reaches age 65.

Student Benefit

If auto accident victims are rendered incapable of completing their education, they are entitled to student compensation. This benefit is meant to replace the amount spent on tuition, room and board, books, etc.

Rehabilitation and Medical Expenses

This compensation is meant to take care of the medical bills incurred during the victim’s stay at a healthcare facility or a rehab center. This recompenses victims for the bills accrued when treating injuries resulting from the auto accident.

Reluctance of Insurance Firms

By law, insurance companies are meant to pay out these compensations to auto accident victims. However, many of these firms look for ways to avoid paying victims these benefits or try to reduce the compensation amount. This is why victims need to engage the services of Auto Accident Lawyers in Hollywood FL.


These lawyers can legally force insurance firms to pay victims their rightful due. They are well versed in the complexities of the law that deals with auto accidents and are experienced in the process of gathering evidence to prove the culpability of the responsible party.

Victims who require the services of Auto Accident Lawyers in Hollywood FL should schedule an appointment. For more information and to make inquiries about the services, Click Here.

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