Avoid Common Mistakes With Representation From A Truck Accident Lawyer In Austin

by | Jul 9, 2019 | Law Services

An accident with a big rig on the roadways in and around Austin is often traumatic, serious, and possess a high risk of serious, long-term injuries or even the tragic loss of life. Despite the seriousness of these types of accidents, many people do not contact a truck accident lawyer and attempt to negotiate with the insurance companies on their own.

Having an experienced attorney on your side as soon as possible after the accident is vital for the overall outcome of the claim. Keep in mind, the trucking company’s insurance carrier is trying to pay out the lowest possible settlement, which may include trying to pin some or all of the fault of the accident on the other drivers involved.

With an experienced truck accident lawyer on your side, the following common mistakes can be avoided. While there is a cost of having an attorney, the settlements with an attorney are typically higher, which more than covers the costs of the attorney.

Gathering Facts and Evidence

Even in the early stages of negotiation with the insurance company, specific types of facts and evidence can be used to leverage your claim. Attorneys experienced in big rig accidents know what insurance companies and courts are looking for, and they have the staff and the expertise to gather that information and prove your case.

Statements and Social Media Posts

A truck accident lawyer handles all communication on your behalf to the insurance company. This is important, as issues such as admitting fault, apologizing, or blaming other drivers in the wreck can all impact future settlement offers.

Social media posts are another issue. Attorneys familiar with these types of cases in Austin advise clients and their families not to post anything on social media or on the web about the accident, the events after the wreck or their health or recovery status.

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