An Attorney Practicing Family Law in Mankato, MN Can Help Divorcing Parents Set Up a Co-Parenting Arrangement

by | Jan 10, 2019 | Family Law

An attorney who specializes in family law in Mankato, MN can help when parents are divorcing and need to set up a co-parenting arrangement. They may prefer to speak with each other as little as possible, but they still need to communicate to maintain some flexibility in the schedule. This goal can be accomplished with a private online calendar and through email addresses that are only used for this purpose.

Email Specifics

Attorneys who specialize in family law in Mankato, MN advise clients to keep their emails brief and to the point. The topic should be labeled clearly in the subject line. Instead of just typing “Sunday”, for example, the subject line should more specifically say something along the lines of “Request to bring kids to grandma’s house on Sunday”.

These emails are not the place for squabbles about finances, new relationships or other aspects. Since this is an arrangement set up with court, communication should be polite and address specific issues of flexibility during shared custody. If either ex-spouse starts feeling like the other is abusing the communication privilege or being uncooperative in regard to shared custody flexibility, it may be time to revisit the agreement during mediation sessions.

Time Frame for Responses

The agreement should include a time frame in which the ex-spouses are expected to respond to emails through this particular channel. That way, neither of them is allowed to delay in an effort to indirectly thwart the parent’s request for a change in the schedule. The channel can be set up so alerts are sent by smartphone when communication has been made.

Progressing to More Casual Communication

Eventually the ex-spouses may settle into a relatively amicable relationship and be able to handle the communication more casually, such as through text messages. An organization such as Blatz Law Office may recommend continuing with the online schedule and email channel as protection in case this amicable relationship ever turns somewhat negative. Life changes can have a significant impact on the relationship between two divorced individuals. Get started on setting up an official co-parenting arrangement by visiting

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