Elderly people are far too often subjected to abuse and neglect in the nursing home they reside in. It is not a problem that is getting any better, as a matter of fact is seems to be getting worse with more and more nursing home negligence cases been reported. There appears to be two reasons for this; as the American population is living longer there are more people in nursing homes and the fact that nursing homes are being purchased by corporate entities that have their eye on the bottom line, not necessarily the health and well being of the residents.
Congress has enacted regulations that provide a resident of a nursing home the right to be free of abuse, be it physical, mental, sexual or financial. In the event symptoms of abuse and neglect are observed it is in the best interest of the elder that a nursing home negligence attorney in Chicago becomes involved.
Congressional definition of abuse and neglect:
Causing intentional injury, deprivation of care, deprivation of service, unreasonable confinement as well as punishment that result in pain, mental anguish or physical harm
Any failure to provide a resident with the care and service necessary to ensure they are not in pain or harmed as well as failure to correct a situation which may result in harm or anxiety
Immediate action is called for:
If you have reason to believe that you’re loved one has sustained injuries due to a fall or any accident that can be traced to nursing home negligence or abuse you should immediately contact a nursing home negligence attorney in Chicago. There is strict state as well as federal laws in place, victims of abuse or neglect or their loved ones have the right to sue for unprovoked pain and suffering, negligence, financial exploitation and more.
If you’re loved one is showing evidence of abuse or negligence while residing in a nursing home you should contact a seasoned nursing home negligence attorney in Chicago and take immediate action. You are invited to contact the Law Office of Scott D. DeSalvo, LLC.