There is no cure for hair loss. Hair loss from a medical condition or treatment may be temporary. There are products and treatments that may slow the progression of naturally occurring hair loss, but that hair will eventually fall out.
Some people chose to embrace the change and will even decide to shave the head to get the process completed quickly. Others will try anything to prolong the inevitable, including surgical procedures. Still others will find ways to add volume to thinning hair, purchase wigs or toupees, and covering the head with scarves or ball caps.
Hair Plugs
A popular surgical procedure is commonly referred to as hair plugs. What the procedure actually entails is transplanting healthy hair follicles into an area that is thinning. The follicles come from another part of the head of the client so the results match perfectly in color and texture. This provides a permanent solution because the hair will grow naturally once the transplant has been completed.
The prohibitive issue for this option is the pricing. Many thousands of dollars are invested per procedure. The total number of procedures required depends on the amount of hair lost, among a few other factors.
Thinning Hair
One option that is excellent for thinning hair and bald spots is a non-surgical method called Micropoint Solutions. The process utilizes tiny knots and either synthetic or real human Hair Extensions Scottsdale. Four hairs are added to every one natural hair remaining on the head. Once completed, the volume added disguises the fact that hair is thinning.
This process restores confidence, provides desired outcomes for both men and women, and avoids surgical procedures. Those interested can Click Here to arrange a complimentary evaluation of the problem and the opportunity to learn about all possible solutions.
In addition to Hair Extensions Scottsdale, wigs and hair pieces are offered. Other products available include moisturizers, serums, and sprays designed to stimulate hair follicles. Accessories, such as adhesives, tapes, and wig caps, are offered at affordable pricing.
Custom Treatments
How people react to hair loss is deeply personal. Professionals with decades of experience in hair restoration and extensions can provide details on every option available. They will listen to the concerns, desires, and needs of each client to assist in coming up with treatment plans that are specific to the individual.