Acupuncture is for More than Just Pain Management in San Rafael CA

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Health Care

Most people try to avoid needles when they go to the doctor -; after all, there are few people who like to have an injection or have their blood drawn. However, there are still many people who don’t realize, a few strategically placed needles in their skin can actually help their health and overall well-being? There is a good reason to find can find the services of an acupuncturist – this form of alternative medicine is effective. Some of the reasons, beyond Pain Management in San Rafael CA, try acupuncture today are highlighted here.

The Nose

For those who suffer from seasonal allergies, acupuncture can help to reduce the severity of their symptoms. If they continue to schedule regular sessions throughout the season, they may find that the symptoms usually experienced are eliminated altogether.

Better Mood

For those who suffer from depression, acupuncture can help to reduce the symptoms that go along with it. It is recommended, for best results, that a person has treatment once weekly for a period of at least three months, since it can take this long to begin to see results. The reasoning behind this is because acupuncture helps to regulate the “happy” neurotransmitters that are in the brain.

Increase Heart Health

When a person seeks regular acupuncture sessions it can help to reduce stress and even result in lower blood pressure. For those who suffer from these issues, their doctor may recommend that they begin acupuncture as a supportive treatment for medications being taking.

Improved Sleep

Acupuncture treatment will help to rev up the production of the neurotransmitters that are associated with sleep and relaxation. For those who suffer from insomnia, this can help to reduce the symptoms and severity they experience.

Alleviate Back Pain

Many people originally seek acupuncture treatment Pain Management in San Rafael CA, including back pain. If they receive treatment twice a week, studies have shown that cases of back pain can be alleviated if not eliminated completely.

When it comes to acupuncture treatment, there are a number of benefits it offers. Understanding all the benefits can help anyone see why it may be right for their health and well-being. Click Here to learn more.

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