A Probate Lawyer in Bremerton, WA can Help an Individual to Plan Ahead

by | Aug 27, 2022 | Law Services

Many people do not realize the importance of planning ahead for when the inevitable happens. However, when nothing has been put down on paper, it can be a huge burden for those who have to make the decisions afterward. A Probate Lawyer in Bremerton, WA can help an individual to organize their life and make arrangements for how they wish their property to be divided up after they are gone.

Making a Will

A Probate Lawyer in Bremerton, WA can assist with drawing up the legal documentation for an individual’s property and assets should they become incapacitated or pass on. A will is a legal document that provides instructions for what the signer wishes to have done with their property and valuables when they are no longer living.

When No Will Exists

When a person dies and no will exists, the property falls under the “intestate” laws which can vary from state-to-state. Intestate laws govern how all of the property, bank accounts, and personal possessions should be divided up, even if that was not what the deceased had wanted to have happened. If no will was drawn up, the court has the final say as to who gets what, with the surviving children usually being the first in line to receive the possessions.

Power of Attorney

When a person has a will drawn up it will leave instructions for how any property and assets should be split up. At the same time, a probate lawyer can take care of the necessary paperwork to designate a power of attorney if the individual becomes incapacitated and cannot make decisions on their own. A power of attorney documentation provides the legal means for a designated individual to make the decisions regarding the legal and financial matters of a loved one when they can no longer do so on their own.

Planning ahead removes the burden from the surviving family members when a loved one passes on. Without having the legal documentation in place, it can take months or even years before an estate is finally divided up by the court system. A will lets the signer have the final say in who should receive their treasured family heirlooms and personal possessions. A will provides closure for family and friends who want to understand a loved one’s final wishes when they are unable to tell them directly.

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