All homeowners want an attractive and secure house. A new Door Installation in Frankfort will help them achieve both goals. Door styles change over the decades. An older door might have been in style in 1982, but now it just makes a house look old and dated.
While homeowners are selecting a new style, they will be interested in learning about the new materials used to build doors. Most contractors now install vinyl or fiberglass doors instead of wood doors. These come in many colors and never have to be repainted. People wanting to minimize their energy consumption can select a door with a layer of insulation between the vinyl or fiberglass outer layers.
Many people never used to lock their doors because the lived in very safe communities. Now, even people living in small towns are concerned about crime. They have heard about violent home invasions where the intruders simply kicked in the front door. People who are scared by these stories can upgrade their Door Installation in Frankfort. Reinforced steel doors have a thick layer of steel that protects the hinges and prevent people from kicking a door in. More steel surrounds the door knob and lock. It prevents intruders from drilling through the lock. When this is combined with a lock that can’t be picked, it creates an effective barrier to stop the most determined intruder.
A Steel Door Installation in Frankfort does not make a home look like a prison cell because the steel is on the inside. The exterior of the door could be wood, vinyl or fiberglass. Some of these security doors even have windows in them to allow in light. The windows are very strong and difficult to break. The window panes are made up of several layers of glass with a transparent plastic layer in the center. In addition to being shatter-resistant, these window panes are very energy-efficient.
A Better Door and Window is one of the Chicago companies that install doors. They have a wide variety of high-quality doors available. In addition to entry doors, they also have a large selection of patio doors, storm doors, and garage doors. Visit website for more information.