There is nothing worse for a victim of an automobile accident than trying to deal with the insurance company when they’re also trying to heal. A motor vehicle accident lawyer in Loveland can protect a victim’s rights and talk to the insurance company so the individual can focus on healing. Early medical treatment and following a doctor’s orders will improve the outcome of their healing.
The insurance company will call within a few days after an accident and they will want to record a victim’s statement about the accident. An individual should never discuss the case with the insurance company and should never let them record their statement. After an accident, victims are upset and could also be on various medications for pain, which could all cause them to say something that could jeopardize their case.
An experienced motor vehicle accident lawyer in Loveland has the necessary negotiation experience to avoid questions the insurance company asks. Many of the questions an adjuster will ask do not pertain to an accident. The adjuster is trying to obtain information for the insurance company so they can make a determination as to whether a victim will settle quickly.
An individual can file a claim under 2 categories. The categories are economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages, including past and future medical expenses, wage loss, and expenses from a physical impairment or disfigurement. Non-economic damages include pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, physical impairment and other issues.
Wrongful Death
A wrongful death can happen when an individual dies to a motor vehicle accident. A parent, spouse, child, or personal representative of the estate can file against the negligent party. A wrongful death case can receive compensation for the same things as a personal injury case, but could include funeral benefits and future loss of wages.
Motor vehicle accidents can change your life forever. The financial hardships you might face because of the injuries you received can be compensated with the help of an experienced personal injury lawyer. For more information about an experienced personal injury lawyer, please feel free to visit the website.