A Kosher Caterer in New Jersey Knows the Difference Between Kosher and Kosher-Style

by | Aug 19, 2015 | Food & Drinks

Once considered associated only with people who follow Jewish dietary law, kosher eating is the new food trend. A common myth is that the term kosher means that the food is blessed by a Rabbi. It has more to do with how the food is prepared. Kosher doesn’t permit eating certain meats, and those that are permitted are held to strict standards.

Is Kosher More Healthy?

A survey revealed that 15% of the participants consumed a kosher diet for religious reasons while the other 85% did so because they felt the kosher food was healthier and safer. Food experts say that because kosher food undergoes intense inspection is the reason it may be considered healthier and safer. For instance, having dairy and meat in the same areas is not allowed. Additionally, shellfish isn’t permitted in the kosher diet. People who are allergic to dairy and shellfish are safe with kosher foods. This diet is also appealing to people who are vegan. Additionally, the law says that bugs aren’t allowed, so people who are growing a garden may considered the produce kosher as long as there are no bugs.

Kosher-Style Doesn’t mean Kosher

It’s noteworthy to point out that when a caterer or restaurant say they offer kosher-style foods, it is referring to some Jewish meals. However, those meals aren’t necessarily kosher, In fact, more often than not, it won’t be kosher, and that should be taken into consideration before eating the food.

For their events, Jersey companies are offering a wider selection of food options, including kosher items. With more people viewing it as a safer way to eat, a kosher caterer in New Jersey is in more demand.

If you are a business or an individual in search of a good caterer, you can’t go wrong with a kosher menu. Eating a diet that is monitored so strictly can only ensure people with certain allergies are safe. It may seem that, with these restrictions, the food choices would be limited, but they aren’t. A kosher menu offers a full range of delicious foods from which to choose. To find a kosher caterer in New Jersey click Contact us.

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