A Bankruptcy Attorney in Aurora, Illinois Talks About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

by | Apr 30, 2014 | Law Services

If your debts have become too much for you, and you are looking for a way out of the situation, you may want to consider bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is not for everyone, but it is an option for those who simply do not see any other way. There is a Bankruptcy Attorney Aurora, Illinois who will help you to figure out how to navigate through your options.

One of the options you will find you have for bankruptcy is filing the chapter 13. The chapter 13 bankruptcy is for those who are trying to re-adjust their payments so that they can afford to pay them and still live. Those debts under such terms that can be discharged are done so. Typically, in a filing of this type, once the petition is filed, automatically creditors are barred from taking action on collecting debts or pursuing payments. The court will then appoint someone as a trustee to be the overseer of your case. The court will then send out a Notice of Chapter 13 case which informs you and the creditors of: information in general about chapter 13 bankruptcy, your particular chapter 13 case, a date for the meeting with the creditors, a date for the confirmation of the hearing and a deadline date for the creditors to file any claims. At that time, the creditors have the option to file any objections to your plan. Meanwhile, you must provide a copy of your most recent tax return to your trustee (any personal security information like your social security number may be blacked out).

Ledford & Wu are bankruptcy attorneys in the Chicago, Illinois area whose goal is to give the consumer a fighting chance. They realize how serious a matter of filing bankruptcy is and will do all they can to handle this delicate issue with the utmost confidentiality and quality service deserved. They want to help you prevent any possible foreclosure to your property and stop the creditors hassling, so that you can get your thoughts and action plan together on filing your chapter 13. If you wish to know more about this Bankruptcy Attorney Aurora, Illinois and the surrounding areas, visit the website  .

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