The Master of Arts in Arts Administration and Policy, or MAAAP, program utilizes an expansive curriculum to cultivate teamwork and flexible creative expression. By combining these aspects, creative leaders can be molded, achieving the program’s goals. This program’s philosophy is that arts administration is a creative endeavor.
International Diversity
Nurturing a diverse student body benefits the entire school by allowing students to gain more insight, clarity, and understanding of the world.
Coaching Leaders
Students who want to make an impact or difference in the world are encouraged to become educators. SAIC’s own instructors want to reimagine how people interact with art, meaning, and purpose. Students work closely with these highly educated staff members, and other organizations throughout the city of Chicago.
Professionally Oriented
Students get to foster professional relationships and intellectual connections by working in close collaboration with artists and cultural organizations, Moreover, students form bonds with organizations on a long-term basis during their studies. For more details, please visit the School of the Art Institute of Chicago online to view our MAAAP brochure.