You could have heard about the temporomandibular disorder that affects many people across the world. The temporomandibular joint which is commonly abbreviated as TMJ is the joint where the jaw meets the skull. The temporomandibular disorder arises when you have a problem with this joint, the muscles or the ligaments surrounding it. Studies indicate that TMJ Grove City, PA is more common in men than in women. The same case applies even in other parts of the world – the disorder is more common in men than in women.
There are various causes of TMJ Grove City, PA. People who have the habit of grinding and clenching their teeth are likely to develop the disorder. Most people grind and clench their teeth in their sleep. Usually, many teeth clenching victims are not even aware of it. You could grind your teeth in your sleep and hardly notice it. Many victims then wake up in the morning with some severe jaw or ear pains. On being examined by a dentist, signs of wear and tear on the teeth may be noticed as a result of teeth grinding.
Another common cause of TMJ disorder is habitual gum chewing. Some people may have the habit of chewing gum constantly. This can lead to overworking of the jaws and then result to the temporomandibular disorder. The other common cause of the temporomandibular disorder is chewing of fingernails. Some people are known to chew their fingernails especially when nervous. This is a cause of the temporomandibular disorder.
Many people suffer from malocclusion. This refers to the misalignment of teeth. Individuals with misaligned teeth may not have a good bite. The misaligned teeth may not fit well into each other. This could in turn result to problems in chewing. It is common for people with misaligned teeth to chew with only one side of the mouth. This could result to a TMJ Grove City, PA disorder. Individuals prone to stress are also prone to the temporomandibular disorder. Exposure to high levels of stress can lead to involuntary grinding and clenching of teeth. This could then result to a TMJ disorder.
How can you tell whether you are suffering from a TMJ disorder or not? There are several symptoms of a temporomandibular disorder. The symptoms mainly include facial pains, experiencing pain while chewing food and headaches. Patients with this disorder could also experience difficulties while closing and opening the mouth. This disorder could act as an impediment to good sleep. Due to pain and discomfort, you are likely to lack sleep and experience some restlessness.
Immediately you notice that you have the symptoms of a temporomandibular disorder, it is good to have a dental examination. Most people will visit otolaryngologist. Many patients seek the help of an ENT as they tend to associate the pain caused by the disorder with ear infection. With proper diagnosis, the temporomandibular disorder can be identified and handled.
The TMJ is a ball-and-socket joint located where the upper and lower jaws meet. You have one joint on each side of your mouth. These joints are part of a large group of muscles, ligaments, and bones that work together as a system. For additional information on TMJ in Grove City PA, what is meant by a TMJ disorder, the main causes of the temporomandibular disorder and also the various symptoms of the disorder.