Things Your Pet Sitter Needs To Know

by | Jun 3, 2022 | Pets

Hiring a pet sitter to care for your cat or cats when you need to travel for business or pleasure is a convenient option for you and for your beloved pets. Allowing cats to stay in their Hendersonville, NC, home when you travel helps to avoid stress on the cat and to keep them secure and comfortable in a familiar setting and environment. 

Providing the Necessary Information 

The top pet sitter services in the area that focus on providing care for cats when the owners are away from Hendersonville, NC, takes the time to find out everything they need to know about caring for your cats. Some of the important information the sitter will need to have includes:

  • Contact information – most people have cell phones that are always available but be sure to leave the information on where you are staying and how to reach you in the event you cannot be reached by phone or text message. 
  • Vet information – take the time to write down the vet’s name and contact information and post it in a visible place for the pet sitter In Hendersonville, NC. This information, along with your contact information for the trip, can be sent in an email for added visibility and accessibility. 
  • Medications – list any and all medications your cat takes, including the dosage and schedule for giving the medication. As cats are notoriously difficult to medicate, share any information on how you administer the medication to make the process easy for the sitter and the cat. 

Finally, be sure to let the sitter know any particulars of what your cat likes or does not like. This helps to ensure the sitter and the cat or cats connect quickly and the cats stay comfortable while you are away.

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