When dentists make recommendations for the replacement of a patient’s missing teeth, they take a range of factors into account. Dental Implants in Annapolis have become the preferred choice, but not all patients can have implants placed, at least not right away. Oral health and financial aspects may require opting for dentures or a bridge.
Oral Health Considerations
Some factors to be considered include the patient’s oral health and general health. Men and women who have significant bone loss in the jaw due to osteoporosis or a smoking habit may require grafting before implants can be placed. Many dentists insist their patients quit smoking for good before they will even consider implants.
Insurance and Financial Issues
In general, Dental Implants in Annapolis are not covered by insurance or are not fully covered. Patients who cannot afford to pay for implants may decide to wear a bridge or a full set of false teeth instead. These devices have been greatly improved over the years.
Steps in the Implant Process
Once a patient is ready to have implants, the first step is to place titanium screws into the jawbone where the teeth are missing. These rods will serve as roots, just as natural teeth roots would do. It takes time for these screws to fully integrate with the bone. During that time, the person can generally continue with the usual eating and oral hygiene activities. The main restriction is to avoid putting a lot of pressure in areas where the rods have been installed.
After several months, the rods have fused with the bone and healing is complete. Now, crowns can be placed on top of the rods. Before the addition of crowns, patients are fitted with temporary artificial teeth so they have no gaps in the smile.
Risk Factors
Implants, as placed by a dentist with Annapolis Dental Associates, must be installed very precisely. Fortunately, the percentage of implant failure is extremely low now after research has uncovered risk factors. In addition to smoking, patients who do not practice excellent oral hygiene are at greater risk because they are more likely to develop gum disease.