What You Should Know About Invisalign in Markesan, WI

by | Aug 22, 2013 | Dental Health

One of the most effective ways to straighten teeth in the Markesan area, is through the use of Invisalign. Gone are the days when braces made a prominent entrance into the dental world. There is no need to wear metal, feel uncomfortable, or have to follow any strict eating rules in order to get perfect teeth any longer, thanks to the help of invisalign in Markesan, WI. The concept is an easy one to understand and the pricing is affordable compared to other options on the market, which makes Invisalign a great option for both teens and adults alike.

How Does Invialign Work?

Simply put, Invisalign is a modern approach to teeth straightening. Instead of rubber bands and metal, Invisalign uses new technology that strengthens teeth with a series of nearly invisible aligners. Each aligner tray is smooth and comfortable, and is worn for two weeks before a new set of trays is used.

Each aligner helps to strengthen and align teeth a little bit at a time until the entire job is complete. Adults are typically done with treatment in about a year, and teens are treated for the same amount of time as they would with braces. Both teens and adults will start to see results within just weeks.

Getting Started With Invisalign

The first step in getting started with Invisalign in Markesan, WI is to set up an appointment with an Invisalign expert like those at Silver Creek Dentistry for an assessment. Your treatment provider will create a 3D image of your teeth to ensure that your aligners are properly created. Using the 3D image, your custom aligners are designed and you simply take them home and start wearing them.

You will probably have to see your doctor once every six weeks or so throughout the process to ensure everything is going as planned, so you will take more than one set of aligners home with you during each visit.

Is Invisalign Safe?

Invisalign uses no chemicals or harsh materials which makes it the safest teeth straightening and strengthening system on the market. They are easy to use and there are have been reports of injuries or ailments stemming from the use of the Invisalign system.

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