Ending a relationship is never easy to do. It’s even more difficult if both parties disagree on who gets what or if young children are involved who will require custody and visitation orders. Emotions can run high as broken hearts heat up with anger during the divorce process which is why a Divorce Attorney in Lubbock TX should be consulted to handle the proceedings and act as a mediator between the opposing parties. Kyra K. Blankenship Attorney is experienced in family law and can help a family to navigate through the divorce process as painlessly as possible.
About Divorce
Divorce is the process of dissolving a marriage and dividing up the assets so that each party can go their own way. Power struggles and arguments are not uncommon during the process as emotions often take over when trying to find common ground. A Divorce Attorney in Lubbock TX can provide valuable assistance with resolving issues so that each party can walk away with what is needed to survive when the divorce has been finalized.
Dividing the Assets
One of the most difficult things to do during the divorce process is dividing up the assets. While many items can easily be split up, some items may have a personal attachment which may make it harder to part with them, especially if the person getting them is no longer a friend. A divorce attorney will ensure that a client receives a fair settlement and that asset claims are taken seriously by both sides.
Child Custody
When children are involved in a divorce, it’s important to have their best interest at heart and not use them as pawns while the parents figure things out. Finding an amicable solution to who will be the primary caregiver and where their primary residence will should be the main focus. The agreed upon child support amount and visitation schedule should all be put into writing and be included in the final divorce decree so that there are no discrepancies afterward.
When going through a divorce, it’s important to retain a lawyer who will look out for the client’s best interest while they deal with the emotional aspects that a divorce can bring about. Finding an amicable solution to a difficult situation is why it’s important for a client to have an attorney who can sort through all of the details and make the best possible arrangements for them.