Learning to play an instrument can reap numerous benefits for the player. These include increased intelligence, better relationship with others, and, of course, a new skill set. However, the beginning stage of your journey can be fraught with many frustrations. Why can’t I play at once? Why is it so difficult? These are a few of the questions that may run across your mind during this time.
Fortunately, there is always a solution to such things, so it’s best to look for these solutions wherever you can. One of the most common struggles that people beginning to learn an instrument come across is really how to handle their instrument. For violin players, this is how to properly play the instrument that may need to be practiced beyond violin lessons.
If you’re unsure how to handle the instrument, here are a few tips on how to play the violin:
The most crucial part of playing the violin, as taught to us in violin lessons, is the posture. First of all, release tension by taking deep breaths. This should help you loosen up your shoulders and give your back more leeway to relax.
Next, place your violin over your shoulder, keeping it parallel to the floor. Place your violin between your shoulder and your chin, just below your jawline. Some violinists prefer other positions near the same area, but as a beginner, this should be a good start.
Holding the Bow and Hand Placement
Don’t hold your bow too tightly or too loosely. Keep it at a relaxed position that doesn’t strain or loosen it too much. Place your two middle fingers on one side of the frog, and tuck your thumb between the stick and the string. Keep your knuckles flat and level as you play. Keeping these in mind will create a fuller and more solid sound.