Sheet Metal Installer in Massachusetts RI for Restaurants

by | Nov 21, 2018 | Restaurant

In addition to the new and used equipment, there are a multitude of stainless steel sheet metal components in any commercial kitchen. Regardless of the size or shape of the kitchen, stainless steel is the perfect material for cabinets, counter tops, work tables, floor troughs, and hoods and exhaust fans, and ventilation ducts. Food-grade sheet metal is rust resistant, durable, smooth, and easy to clean and disinfect. The shine of it is also attractive if there are any components that run from the kitchen into the dining area.


Sheet metal is also extremely malleable which provides flexibility to kitchens. Not all kitchens are the same size, configuration, or originally built as kitchens. Many restaurants have been transformed from old buildings, unique settings, abandoned mills, large houses, and small spaces, such as storefronts and food trucks. Having a material that can be custom fabricated, designed to suit every need, easily installed by professionals, and meets regulations for food handling and restaurant safety can make the difference between being able to open a restaurant, or continue dreaming of opening one.


The perfect custom piece is only as durable and safe as the Sheet Metal Installer in Massachusetts RI is experienced and precise. Improper installation can create spaces for particles and moisture to collect, render a ceiling piece susceptible to falling, or cause fryer station shields to become loose. Any of those incidents can cause a restaurant to fail a health inspection. Insist on the best when searching for a supply company. Look for at least a decade of experience in the business to find great pricing and exceptional customer service.

Start Comparisons with a Leading Company

Fabricators, equipment and hood installers, and a sheet metal installer in Massachusetts RI must be experienced, highly trained, and familiar with safety and health codes. Keeping up with changing regulations, advanced technology and methods to improve fabrication and installation, and trends of the latest modern restaurants is critical to providing excellent customer service and efficient results. Go to website for complete details on equipment, custom stainless steel fabrication, and experienced installers. Over twenty-years of experience backs up every sale, recommendation, or custom piece requested.

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