Looking for a Child Custody Lawyer? 4 Hiring Pointers to Consider

by | Apr 6, 2018 | Attorney, Family Law, Lawyer

Child custody cases can drag on for years. Are you sure you’re ready and willing to go to those lengths? If you want to push through with this decision, then here are hiring tips to keep in mind.

Know If You Need One

Given the cost of hiring a Child Custody lawyer on Long Island, it’s important that you make sure it’s a necessary expense. If you or your former spouse or soon-to-be ex can’t agree on your children’s living arrangements, then taking things to court and hiring a lawyer can help.

Assess The Complexity Of The Case

It’s smart to get legal help if you’re facing a complex child custody case. For instance, if you’re dealing with interstate child custody, then getting an attorney is a must, The Spruce suggests. In some cases, though, you may not even realize that you’re facing a complex custody battle. Consulting with a lawyer can help you fully understand what you’re dealing with and what steps you can take to move on from there.

Ensure Up-To-Date Knowledge Of The Law

Hiring an experienced, licensed and trained child custody lawyer on Long Island means you have someone who’s going to check and know up-to-date information about family laws and codes that may apply to your case or be relevant in establishing your points. This can go a long way to winning custody of your kids.

Check The Lawyer’s Reputation

Hiring the services of a law firm with an excellent reputation for winning these types of cases isn’t rude but a reasonable step. You’ll want to look into hiring firms like the Ketover & Associates, LLC. With help from legal professionals who know—and do—what it takes to represent client cases and win them, you have a better chance of getting the outcome you want.

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