Death, even an expected one, is never easy on the people left behind. There is anger, grief, possible survivor guilt, stress, and relief if the deceased was in pain. Dealing with all those emotions, many happening at once, is plenty to handle without having to make final arrangements. Pre-planning and paying for Cremation Services In Harrison OH relieves family members of that burden.
Planning your own final arrangements means preferences will be honored. So many times the deceased is actually disregarded when family members plan the end of life events. A person who may have wanted a simple affair, for example, can be the subject of viewing hours, a huge ceremony, and a catered dinner. Planning ahead includes selecting the process, the urn, and what is done with the ashes.
In some cases, cremation can cost as much as a small funeral. If the deceased will be viewed, embalming has to take place first. That requires the services of a funeral director. A casket is needed, people will spend money on flowers, and the urn will probably be upgraded for appearances.
Direct Cremation Services in Harrison OH are faster, much less expensive, and eliminates a lot of stress for the family. Upon death, the body is taken right to the crematorium, placed in a standard cardboard coffin, and is cremated. No viewing hours drastically cuts time and cost because funeral director services are not necessary. The urn is a standard white box that meets minimum requirements for holding human remains.
Added Extras
The person making arrangements can select direct cremation and still have items upgraded if desired. There are many urns, keepsake urns, and cremation jewelry that can be pre-purchased at the time final decisions are made. The ashes can be permanently placed in a cemetery or arboretum, or they can be mailed or picked up by the family.
Total Costs
The costs of cremations and funerals have been steadily rising and so no signs of leveling off anytime soon. Pre-planning is a way to lock in current prices for services. Once arrangements have been made and paid for, there are no costs added to the services at any time. A person can make arrangements now and be cremated twenty-years from now at that same cost.