The Medical Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses in El Dorado, KS

by | Mar 30, 2018 | Health

Sunglasses may be considered a fashion accessory by most, but they serve a valuable medical purpose: they protect the eyes from UV damage. Read on to find out about a few of the health benefits of wearing Sunglasses in El Dorado KS.

Protect Against Cataracts

Many consumers don’t realize it, but excessive sun exposure can increase the risk of developing cataracts. Excessive exposure to UV rays causes an estimated 20% of all known cases of cataracts, so don’t underestimate the effects of exposure to the sun in the development of this unfortunate disease. This clouding of the eyes’ lenses can leave people with blurred vision and even cause blindness, so it’s important that those concerned about their ocular health take preventative measures against cataracts.

Prevent Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is an age-related degenerative condition that affects people’s retinas, eventually destroying their central vision. There aren’t any effective treatments for this condition once it has developed, so it’s essential that everyone take preventative measures against its development. Reducing UV damage to the eyes with sunglasses is the best way to take preventative action against macular degeneration.

Prevent Pterygium

Pterygium is the medical term for growth of tissue over the white part of the eye that can alter the curve of the eyeball. The eventual effect of this unfortunate condition is that those suffering from it will develop astigmatism. Protecting against the development of pterygium is a simple matter of wearing Sunglasses in El Dorado KS.

Prevent Headaches

Not all of the negative health effects of excessive exposure to UV light are long-term effects. Those who do not wear sunglasses on particularly sunny days often find that they develop headaches from squinting to protect their eyes. Wearing sunglasses that block out a substantial amount of both UVA and UVB radiation can help patients to see better on sunny days without squinting, helping to reduce the number of headaches they suffer during the summer months when the sun is brightest.

Aesthetic Benefits

Of course, not all of the benefits of wearing sunglasses are medical. Some people just like the way they look and choose to wear them even when it isn’t excessively bright outside. No matter what reason people have for choosing to wear sunglasses, they can find the products they need at website domain.

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