What Exactly Is a Root Canal in Roseburg OR?

by | Feb 27, 2019 | Dental Health

A root canal is one of the most dreaded and misunderstood procedures that you can have done to your teeth. They are often thought of as incredibly painful; that might have been true in the past but it is not the case anymore. The procedure has advanced significantly in recent years and is fairly routine. The procedure involves the removal of a tooth’s root or treatment of the surrounding gums.

The Canal

Your teeth are anchored into your gums by bones and by a root. The root is also what provides feeling to your teeth. That root travels through a canal into your gums. If something happens to get into the canal, it can cause infection and inflammation, which is where the pain comes from. This inflammation can be bacterial or viral. Viral canal inflammation is often treated by surgery; this is the root canal in Roseburg OR. If you have a bacterial infection, it is often treated with antibiotics.

If you have pain in your teeth or gums, you should schedule an appointment. Waiting will not make it any better and could make the procedure less comfortable.

The Procedure

The root canal procedure is fairly simple. The dentist will cut into your gums to find the infected root. The nerve and the pulp surrounding it will then be removed. However, that’s not the end of the procedure. Since the nerve travels into the teeth, the tooth will have to be sealed. Sealing the tooth will keep other foreign objects from getting into the tooth and creating another infection.

The procedure is often done with a local anesthetic. It does not take nearly as long as it used to and anesthetics are much more effective than they once were. This means that the procedure does not have to be overly painful. Many people are surprised by how quick it is. Click Here for more information.

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