When Is a Building Permit Required for Work by Matt Mertz Plumbing in Pittsburgh PA?

by | Dec 12, 2017 | Plumbing

When installation or extensive replacement of residential plumbing is scheduled, the homeowner may need a building permit. A company like Matt Mertz Plumbing in Pittsburgh PA has information on which projects require permits and which don’t. The simpler ones, such as replacing a faucet or repairing a sluggish drain, do not require permits.

When Are Permits Required?

Even just adding a spigot to the exterior of the house or a toilet and shower in the basement may be categorized as jobs for which permits are necessary. Having a plumber from a company such as  in Pittsburgh PA replace a water heater or install a water softener also may be classified this way.

Both the installation and the moving of plumbing fixtures or pipes are supposed to be done with a permit. This type of work is considered remodeling. Converting a spare bedroom to a laundry room is an example. The home’s residents may be moving the washing machine and tub from the basement to the first floor, or they may be having laundry facilities installed for the first time.

Extensive changes to the bathroom that involve plumbing also are classified as remodeling projects. Replacing shower doors is not an issue, but removing a bathtub and replacing it with a larger shower area is considered a remodeling project. Repair of leaking plumbing pipes probably does not necessitate a permit, but replacing old metal pipes with new plastic ones probably does.

All of this depends on the municipality, whether it be Pittsburgh or any of the surrounding communities. Homeowners who live outside of the metro area in a more rural neighbourhood still may need to obtain a permit from the township where their residence is located.

Why Are Permits Required?

Theoretically, building permits are intended to make sure certain home improvement projects are done correctly. If they are not completed correctly, mistakes and carelessness could cause damage to the building. This is why permits usually are needed not only for plumbing but for roof replacement, electrical work, and general construction. When it comes to  residents can rest assured they will receive excellent service for small and large projects.

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