Debt can be extremely stressful to deal with. It can be especially overwhelming when creditors are calling on a daily basis and sending threatening letters of wage garnishment and more drastic measures. Thankfully, Joseph I Wittman Attorney at Law can help those who are in debt and help them stop the collection activity.
There are Legal Options to Stop Collections
It can be devastating for a person to work for years to pay their mortgage payments and then experience a job loss or a serious illness or injury. When a person can no longer make their payments, the mortgage holder immediately begins taking action and will often threaten foreclosure. No homeowner should have to face losing their home after years of working to pay it off.
Chapter 13 is a bankruptcy option that protects those debtors who are in danger of losing their home to foreclosure. If the process of foreclosure has not yet begun, the lawyer can help their client file for bankruptcy so a cease and desist order can be put in place. These stop all forms of collection activity.
There is also an option for those who have mostly unsecured debt, such as credit card and medical bills. Chapter 7 is a faster option than Chapter 13 but sometimes requires a person to surrender certain property they owe so it can be liquidated.
Bankruptcy Brings Peace of Mind
Meeting with Business Name allows a person to discover more about their financial situation and whether or not bankruptcy will be a viable answer. These consultation appointments give individuals peace of mind by offering them the information they need, to make a sound decision for their financial needs.
Chapter 13 typically is settled after a three to five-year structured repayment schedule. Chapter 7 can typically be settled in as few as six months, depending on a person’s financial situation.
If you are having trouble dealing with your mounting debt, now is the time to seek legal help. For further information on how the lawyer can help you, Visit the website. Feel free to call the office today so you can make an appointment.