A torn window screen may prevent someone from opening a window if they fear that insects or rodents will enter their home. The following steps describe how to patch a screen with a scrap piece of wire mesh. Once a repair is made, basic steps can be completed in order to keep a screen maintained.
• wire mesh cleaning agent
• damp sponge
• measuring tape
• a piece of wire mesh
• metal safety pins
• scissors
• tapestry needle
• spool of marine thread
Cleaning A Window Screen And Cutting A Piece Of Wire Mesh
A cleaning agent needs to be applied to the side of the screen that will be repaired. The screen can be wiped off with a damp sponge. The mesh will need several minutes to dry. It is necessary to measure the length and width of the portion of the screen that is damaged. Sharp scissors can be used to cut a piece of wire mesh that is a little bit longer and wider than the tear so that once the piece of mesh is attached to the screen, the damaged section will be covered completely.
Securing A Piece Of Mesh To A Screen
A piece of marine thread needs to be cut and threaded through the end of a tapestry needle. The end of the thread should be knotted before a patch is secured to a screen. A basic straight stitch can be used to secure a small piece of wire mesh to a screen. Once it is secure, a piece of thread can be trimmed and knotted. Safety pins that were holding a scrap piece in place can be removed.
Maintaining A Screen
A screen will remain intact as long as it is cared for properly. When cleaning screen mesh, it is important to use soft cleaning cloths that do not have an abrasive surface. Cleaning agents that are gentle will prevent mesh from becoming damaged. A screen will last for several years as long as it is cared for on a regular basis. If an extensive problem ever occurs that requires a Window Repair in Hollywood FL, someone can Visit Us online in order to set up an appointment. A repair can be completed in a residential or commercial setting. New glass, screens or hardware are often installed during a window repair in Hollywood FL, which will help maintain the appearance of a home or business.