Why Call a Professional for Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh, PA?

by | Nov 15, 2016 | Pest Control

Some would say that carpenter bees are improperly named. Rather than constructing anything, they devote their time to destroying wooden structures including decks, porches, and even homes through tunneling into the sides. In appearance, they are quite similar to the comparatively harmless bumblebee, although a closer inspection of the abdomen will show that carpenter bees are shiny and hairless, while bumblebees have hairy abdomens.

In addition to destroying wood work, male bees can also become quite aggressive during their spring mating season, making these pests even more of a hassle. However, they are considered beneficial by many due to their skills as pollinators. It’s important to call a professional for Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh PA who can evaluate whether or not any bees present to pose a threat to wooden structures. Noticing one or two carpenter bees flying around a property does not necessarily mean that they will become a problem. The only sure way to tell if they will do any significant damage is to look for existing nesting holes.

If there are already nesting holes present in unfinished wood, it’s too late to employ preventative measures such as painting or varnishing untreated lumber. An insecticide will be necessary to remove existing bees.

The best time to treat with insecticides is prior to the spring mating season. Should the bees not make their presence is known until after spring has begun, two applications will be necessary: one to eliminate existing bees, and another in the late summer to take care of the next generation. Insecticides should be applied at night since carpenter bees are typically active during daylight hours. After the insecticide has done its work, apply wood putty or filler over the empty nesting holes to prevent new bees from moving in.

Not all insecticides are effective against carpenter bees, and improper application can pose health threats to humans and other animals. It’s important to consult a professional for Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh PA. The-Beeman provides valuable bee control and removal services that can save property owners a lot of hassle. Anyone needing to get rid of bees or wasps can visit the website for more information today.

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