Board and batten House Siding in Colorado Springs, is a less common choice that conveys a distinctive exterior appearance for the home. It hearkens back to earlier times when rural settlers constructed homes and added vertical siding to protect the structures. The traditional design included thin vertical strips, known as battens, to separate the wider panels and provide additional reinforcement. Those thinner strips extended out from the siding just enough to offer a bit of depth contrast. There may be horizontal battens at the top and bottom of this type of siding as well. They had a more functional purpose centuries ago; now these particular battens mainly are placed as trim.
Homeowners who choose this option in modern times bring a more rustic, old-fashioned aesthetic quality to the house. Some individuals like to mix the more common horizontal siding with the board and batten style, such as having horizontal panels on the lower level only. It’s also a very suitable design for country cottages and other rural vacation homes.
Traditionally, this was accomplished with wood, but vinyl House Siding in Colorado Springs can be applied in this manner. Vinyl offers significant advantages, which explains why it’s become the most popular choice for siding. It needs virtually no maintenance and is resistant to insects and weather elements. Washing the siding with a garden hose once or twice a year removes dirt and cobwebs; somebody may need to use a broom or long-handled brush along with mild soap and water for the more stubborn debris. Today’s vinyl products are recognized as being crack-proof and dent-proof like other exterior materials are, and much more resistant to denting than aluminum siding is.
Homeowners who want the board and batten style typically prefer the material to look like wood. Manufacturers have accomplished the goal of producing vinyl that is difficult to distinguish from wood just by looking at it. Because it’s not painted, there won’t be any chipping or flaking. It won’t begin to rot the way wood eventually does if not maintained properly. A contractor such as Business Name installs vinyl products according to homeowner preferences. Visit the website Website Domain to learn more.