Why Your Team Needs BLS Training

by | May 17, 2016 | Healthcare

If you’re planning on a career in the medical field or already in one, then you know how important it is to stay updated with the latest emergency medicines as well as protocols, says Dentistry Today. Training in Basic Life Support or BLS is a part of that. If you see any of your patients suffering from a possible cardiac arrest, you’ve got a responsibility to keep your patient in a stable condition until help arrives. Don’t know what to do? Here are the 3 major steps of basic life support you’ll need to keep in mind: compression, airway and breathing.

  1. Compression. Perform CPR right away. Compressions on the heart keep blood pumping the body which means oxygen gets pumped into the cells and right into the brain as well.
  2. Airway. Keep the passageway of your victim clear to ensure optimum breathing. This can be done by tipping the victims head back.
  3. Breathing. Keep breathing into patient’s mouth to keep respiration going.

Other Tips

  1. Team effort. Everyone must help out in emergencies. So make sure everyone in your office is involved. One way to do this is to enroll your entire office in a BLS certification online course for easy and convenient access to training.
  2. Stock up your emergency first aid kit.
  3. Have the proper first aid supplies. You’ll have a list. Make sure everything on the list is in an excellent working condition.
  4. Do mock drills. This helps keep your team’s skills fresh in emergency situations and improves response quality.

Get yourself and your team up to date with the latest emergency training, equipment and drills.

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