Eco Friendly Mattresses On The Rise

by | Jan 8, 2016 | Mattress

With much of the world becoming more aware of our current environmental climate, the trend of products being organically made, made from sustainable materials, or manufactured in an “eco friendly” manner are becoming more popular and are in higher demand. While a mattress made from sustainable and eco-friendly materials may be hard to envision, they’re steadily stating to grow in popularity.

Synthetically Blended

It is no secret that humans rely on a blend of materials for almost all of the fabrics we use. Cheap to produce, durable, and easy to manufacture, blended and synthetic materials are ever present in mattresses. At the moment, there are no government agencies that are in charge of regulating or labeling mattresses as “organic” or “natural” and this may make it harder for consumers to identify the materials that their current or prospective mattress may be manufactured from.

Traditional innerspring mattresses have been around for years, and as most of the mattress consists of coils and springs the outer shell is usually lightweight and offers a soft cushion. These materials don’t often pose much of an environmental issue, but with the new surge of popularity in foam and latex mattresses, as well as hybrid material mattresses, more and more synthetic materials are showing up in mattresses.

Potential Impact

From an environmental standpoint, polyurethane, which contains petroleum, can become a bad thing to put in a mattress.  The world uses a great amount of fossil fuels and oil in the every day operations that occur, from energy to transportation, and some companies fear that adding extra amounts into mattresses only increases our needs for these products.

Cotton as become a major renewable and widely used resource as the movement to protect our environment has increased over the years. Cotton is regulated and can be considered certifiably organic by the United States Department of Agriculture. Some eco friendly mattress companies have tried to start implementing organic cotton as a major manufacturing material in their mattresses.

Because there is a new market and demand for eco friendly mattresses, there can be a wide variation in cost from company to company. Good quality, earth friendly mattresses can be purchased anywhere from three hundred, to one thousand dollars. It all depends on materials used, and what company is selling them.

Consider The Following

Though it is a relatively new concept, eco friendly mattresses are starting to take route, and consumers are becoming more aware of the alternative options for mattresses. However, eco friendly doesn’t necessarily translate to better comfort, so be sure to research your options thoroughly when deciding to use a traditional, or specially sourced mattress. When finding a mattress in Lafayette MS, remember that while synthetic materials can have a reputation, there haven’t been conclusive studies linking them to health problems, and they’re used in almost 99% of the products humans use each day.

If you’re looking to learn more, or you’re ready to buy a mattress in Lafayette, contact Mattress Direct at . Click here

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