When a person has been in a car accident, they might not be in the position to handle their case alone. Although it should be possible for them to simply talk to the insurance company to obtain compensation, often this isn’t as easy as it should be. They might not obtain a large enough settlement to cover their expenses or they might be denied a settlement altogether. There are two different ways an Auto Accident Attorney can help them obtain a fair settlement.
Negotiations With Insurance Company
The first option a lawyer will try is to negotiate with the insurance company. Usually, this is all it’s going to take for the insurance company to admit the person is entitled to a settlement and to agree to an adequate amount of money. This is the fastest way to obtain the correct amount of compensation and ensure the person has enough funds to cover all accident-related expenses. However, in some cases, the negotiations will not end with an adequate settlement. The person can choose to take a slightly smaller amount or they can go ahead and take the case to court.
Taking the Case to Court
When the insurance company refuses to settle for an adequate amount, the lawyer has the option of taking the case to court. It can be heard in front of a judge who will determine whether or not the person is entitled to compensation and, if so, how much. The judge listens to arguments from the insurance company and the lawyer before making a decision. This can result in a more favorable outcome for the client, but it is often more expensive and time-consuming than to simply accept an offer through negotiations.
An Auto Accident Attorney can help a client determine which way is going to be better for their situation to ensure they have a sufficient amount of money as quickly as possible to cover any expenses related to their accident. They’ll also help the person navigate the court system and ensure they don’t have to go through this process alone. For more information, contact Edwards & Bullard Law today.