As the executor of a will, handling all the decision making after a death can be a very challenging responsibility. This can be even more complex if there are a lot of issues to handle in the will or if the family members are hostile, angry or unhappy with the terms of the will. In these cases, or with a large estate, hiring a Libertyville probate lawyer is the best possible option.
It is important to realize there is no requirement to have a Libertyville probate lawyer involved in the probate procedure. However, as the executor, you do have to follow all legal requirements during probate. In the event the executor makes an error or misinterprets something, he or she can be personally liable and face a lawsuit by the family or beneficiary.
The biggest concern without a Libertyville probate lawyer is failing to complete and submit the required documents or failing to pay debts of the estate. This can result in actions against the estate by creditors, or a stop in the probate procedures, which can cause lengthy delays.
When You Need a Probate Lawyer
In many situations what initially looks fairly uncomplicated soon becomes a complex issue. Ideally, hiring a Libertyville probate lawyer before there is a problem is the best option.
Key indicators that a probate lawyer will be an asset in the probate process include:
- Multiple properties in the estate including out of state or out of country properties
- Issues with outstanding back taxes on the estate
- Concerns about community property status by the surviving spouse
- Insufficient funds in the estate to pay outstanding debts
- Businesses included as part of the estate, with or without partners outside of the family
- Wording in the will that may be open to interpretation
- Errors in the will or inconsistencies in directives
Typically the larger the estate, or the more complicated the estate is, the more important it is to have Libertyville probate lawyer involved as early as possible in the process.
As the executor, you will also have to file all necessary documents and notify all involved parties, including insurance companies and public agencies, about the death. An attorney will be able to provide clear instructions on this issue to prevent possible complications now or in the future.
While being an executor is a big responsibility, you don’t have to do it on your own. By hiring an experienced Libertyville probate lawyer, you can discuss what needs to be done and ensure everything is done correctly, protecting yourself in the process.
Hiring a Libertyville probate lawyer is important to complete this very complex task. To learn more about how we can provide the legal assistance you need see Orlowsky & Wilson, Ltd. at