Air Conditioners in San Marcos Are Better Than The Emperor’s Snow Mountain

by | Jun 9, 2015 | Air Conditioning

The most expensive air conditioner in the history of the world was probably the invention of the ancient Roman Emperor Elagabalus. (He was only Emperor for 4 years; it’s possible this had something to with it!) He was so determined to be cool at any cost that he had endless loads of snow carried from the mountains on the backs of donkeys. He used this snow to build a snow mountain in his garden. Hardier Romans commented (privately) that real Romans could handle the heat!

In 1881, the next attempt at air conditioning was tried for the benefit of a dying President James Garfield. As he lay suffering in the oppressive, steamy summer heat of Washington, D.C., attempts were made to make him more comfortable by blowing air through cotton sheets soaked with ice water. Supposedly, it required 500,000 pounds of ice for two months of cooling.

Obviously, until this point, air conditioning was only for the (very) rich and famous! Great expenditures of labor and money were required in order to cool one person. The development of electricity was the breakthrough that sweating humanity had been waiting for. Unfortunately, the first modern air conditioning system, developed by Willis Carrier in 1902, was not designed for the benefit of people at all. He worked in a printing plant that had big problems with humidity and designed the air conditioner to help out the printing equipment!

Willis Carrier kept working on his invention, however, making the unit smaller by adding a central compressor. In 1925, the improved air conditioner began pumping out cool air at the Rivoli Theater in New York’s Times Square. Gradually, other theaters added air conditioning, drawing in the crowds on blazing hot summer days to watch the latest “blockbusters”.

Luckily, we can cool off without needing a snow mountain in the back yard. Air Conditioners in San Marcos provide the comfortable cooling that the Emperor never even dreamed of. Jim Sherlock at Stillman Heating knows more than a little about air conditioning history, too. He’s been in the HVAC business since 1976 and knows that high quality customer service is the only way to run a business. For the best new energy-efficient Air Conditioners in San Marcos or for service on an existing air conditioner, contact domain URL. You can also check them on Facebook for more information.

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