An Explanation of Teeth Whitening in Southaven MS

by | Mar 9, 2015 | Dental Health

When you long for a beautifully white smile, it can be difficult to achieve on your own. No one wants to have stained teeth, since they can cause your smile to look less attractive than you would like. Though staining is difficult to avoid, there are options for treatment. Through your dentist, you can have Teeth Whitening in Southaven MS. This treatment will allow stains to be removed so your smile can be beautiful and white.

Though many people try and whiten their teeth on their own, this is not recommended. At-home whitening kits contain a different type of peroxide than the dentist can offer. Carbamide peroxide is not as strong as hydrogen peroxide and will give you lackluster results. At-home whitening kits can also contain ingredients that will irritate your gums and your teeth. This can cause permanent sensitivity and can even cause pain.

To avoid all of the risks and get the true results you long for, it is best to see your dentist for Teeth Whitening in Southaven MS. The dentist will offer you hydrogen peroxide whitening treatments, which are the strongest you can get. These treatments can help to remove the deepest of stains so the natural beauty of your teeth can shine through.

The treatment is only painted on your teeth once a gum barrier is put in place. The barrier prevents the whitening ingredients from getting on sensitive gum tissues, which can cause burns and irritation.

A typical whitening treatment will last between thirty and ninety minutes for each session. The amount of time will depend on the type of whitening gel being used and the degree of staining you have.

Most people will need more than one treatment to see full results. Treatment sessions normally range from as little as one to as much as ten. Your dentist will help to guide you in how many sessions you will need and what results you can expect.

If you are tired of your smile looking dull and lifeless, there are treatments available through your dentist. Contact the office of Bruce A. Denney and learn how teeth whitening can give you a brand new smile.

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