It is important when discussing the research and clinical tests done on Melanotan that you carefully stipulate if the research is on Melanotan l, also known as Afamelanotide, or if you are referring to Melanotan ll, which is a different peptide. Both were developed by the University of Arizona in their ongoing research into understanding ways to help the body prevent skin cancer.
History of Melanotan l and Melanotan ll
Originally in the development of Melanotan l researchers were trying to develop a synthetic analog of a naturally occurring melanocortin peptide. They did develop Melanotan l as a virtual copy of the alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone or α-MSH. This α-MSH naturally occurs in the body to generate a dark black to dark brown pigment known as eumelanin. Eumelanin is known to help reduce the risk of skin cancer and, by using Melanotan, laboratory tests showed cells could be programmed to generate the healthier eumelanin pigment over the red/yellow pheomelanin, that provides much less protection.
Melanotan ll was the next step in the development of the peptide for lab experimentation. It was a slight change of the original synthesis of Melanotan l and resulted in a more potent molecule with about 1000 times more effect on test cells.
Positive Results
In laboratory tests in vitro and in vivo results with Melanotan in extending the half-life of natural α-MSH and creating more significant levels of eumelanin have been promising. In essence the Melanotan molecule is much more resistant to naturally occurring enzymes that break down the α-MSH that is produced in the cells. In addition interesting results with Melanotan ll also shows in lab rats and mice that are obese, using the peptide leads to a decrease in adipose tissue, the fatty tissue of the body, as well as a change in feeding behaviors.
Obese mice and rats that are injected with Melanotan ll eat much less food, free choice, than control subjects that are not provided with the Melanotan ll. The appetite suppression component of this peptide is an interesting effect and one that will continue to be studied in ongoing projects and tests.
Melanotan, as a synthetic analog of the naturally occurring α-MSH shows great potential in producing dark pigment that may be beneficial in the prevention of skin cancer. Research has further refined the Melanotan molecule and is providing new potential uses for this powerful peptide. Before buying Melanotan products anywhere else be sure to check out our website.