Is fear of the dentist keeping you from necessary dental appointments and procedures? Here are 5 ways sedation dentistry in San Antonio, TX, can help.
No Fear or Anxiety
When you have a fear of the dentist, you may start worrying weeks before the appointment. By the time you get into the chair, you could be in the middle of a full-blown panic attack. When you go into an appointment knowing that you will be sedated and feel no pain, you can stop the fear and anxiety in its tracks.
Faster Treatments
If you are constantly fidgeting and complaining due to pain and nervousness, it can be difficult for the dentist to work. When you are sedated, the dentist can get the necessary work done as quickly as possible.
No Pain
There is nothing fun about feeling pain in the teeth and the gums, and certain dental procedures that can be more painful than others. When you’re sedated, you can ensure you won’t feel any pain, making procedures more bearable.
No Painful Memories
If you need to have a painful procedure to correct an oral issue, it may leave you with painful memories of your experience. These memories can make it difficult to want to return to the dentist for needed cleanings and dental procedures. With no pain, fear, or anxiety, there are no worries going into future appointments.
Relaxed but Not Asleep
If you are sedated during your visit, you will be in a state of complete relaxation, but not asleep. If the dentist needs to ask a question or give direction, you will be able to hear the dentist and respond.
If you would like to be sedated during your next visit to the dentist, contact Mark J. Williamson, DDS today, for more details.